2024 Keynote Speakers


Melissa Davis

Melissa Davis, PhD

Melissa B. Davis, PhD is the newly appointed Director of the Institute of Translational Genomic Medicine at Morehouse School of Medicine, and Distinguished Investigator with the Georgia Research Alliance. She also serves as Scientific Director of the International Center for the Study of Breast Cancer Subtypes (ICSBCS), (Interim) Director of Health Equity for the Englander Institute of Precision Medicine and Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology in the Department of Surgery and at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, NY. She is also a Cancer Ethnicity Scholar, co leading the PolyEthnic-1000 project at New York Genome Center.

Irene Ghobrial

Irene Ghobrial, MD

Dr. Ghobrial is the Senior Vice President for Experimental Medicine, Director of the Center for Early Detection and Interception of Blood Cancers, Lavine Family Chair for Preventative Cancer Therapies, CoLeader of the Lymphoma/Myeloma Cancer Center Program, Director of the Ghobrial Lab, and Professor of Medicine at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. The focus of her research is early screening, identification of novel biomarkers of disease progression and the development of therapeutic interceptions in pre-malignant conditions. Dr. Ghobrial leads translational studies to define genomic and immune mechanisms of disease progression from precursor myeloma as well as clinical trials to intercept disease progression.


Alan Rubin

Alan Rubin, PhD

Alan Rubin is a senior research officer in the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) Bioinformatics Division and Co-head of the WEHI Multiplexed Assay Technology Hub. He completed his PhD in Genome Sciences at the University of Washington in 2013 with Prof Phil Green. Alan serves on the executive committee of the Atlas of Variant Effects Alliance, an international collaborative effort to produce multiplexed functional data to inform human disease, and also leads its Data Curation and Dissemination workstream.