Become a Member

CGC members are individuals involved in the educational, medical, scientific, economic, and regulatory aspects of cancer genomics, including but not limited to clinical laboratory scientists, basic scientists, technologists, pathologists, clinicians. Individuals that have an active interest in cancer genomics and other issues of concern to the CGC such as health care personnel, bioinformaticists, genetic counselors, government employees, and others are also invited to participate.             

Membership Benefits

With the expansion of genomic testing in the context of clinical care, there has never been a more exciting time to be a professional working in the field of Cancer Genomics. The CGC is engaged in an increasing number of projects to improve research, resources and improve practice in Cancer Genomics. CGC members have the opportunity to help shape the field and to support the CGC strategic plan by serving on a committee or working group. CGC membership carries a number of other benefits as described below.

  • Eligible to serve on CGC committees and working groups
  • Reduced registration for the CGC Annual Meeting
  • Free online subscription to the journal of Cancer Genetics
  • Networking and career opportunities
  • Access to members-only content, including all recorded presentations from past CGC meetings (2019 to present)
  • PACE CEU credits for CGC educational webinar attendance

"Becoming a CGC member has connected me with new colleagues, collaborations, and educational opportunities. My research has really benefited from access to the expertise and the scientific network of other CGC members."

Dr. Obi Griffith, Washington University School of Medicine

Join Us

During the CGC 2023 Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, CGC members voted to approve changes to the existing membership categories and voting privileges to begin with the 2024 Membership Year. 

Membership in the CGC is a privilege and requires that the member support the purposes and goals of the CGC. Members of the CGC are expected to be of good moral character and of high ethical and professional principles. CGC Membership follows the calendar year, from January through December, and includes an online subscription to Cancer Genetics. Membership payments are non-refundable.

Beginning with the 2024 Membership Year, there are five basic membership categories based on the following professional qualifications:


Individuals who possess a relevant doctoral degree and exhibit reasoned judgment in matters of central concern to the CGC as determined by the Board of Directors. Doctoral members are eligible to vote in elections and serve on the board of directors, committees, and working groups.


Individuals who do not possess a relevant doctoral degree but have an active interest in cancer genomics and other issues of concern to the CGC. Associate members are those who are actively engaged in the design, performance, analysis, and communication of data generated in the research or clinical laboratory, including technologists, bioinformaticists, variant scientists, and genetic counselors. Associate members are eligible to vote in elections and serve on committees and working groups.


Individuals enrolled in an undergraduate, a graduate program, or post-doctoral training, including residency/fellowship programs, in medical genetics or a closely related field. Trainee members are eligible to vote in elections and serve on the board of directors as a junior director, and on committees and working groups.


Individuals whose primary role is in the sales and marketing of products or platforms related to cancer genomics and other areas relevant to the CGC. Affiliate members are eligible to serve on committees and working groups.


Individuals who are retired and no longer working full or part-time hours. Candidates for Emeritus membership must have been active CGC members for at least five years prior to application. Emeritus membership carries all benefits of regular membership except the ability to run for elected positions or vote in elections. Emeritus members may serve on committees and working groups.


Current CGC members can renew CGC membership by logging into the Member's Area at the top left of the screen and accessing "Billing Information" under "My Membership Information" at the bottom of the Member's Area home page.