Resource Limited Nations


CGC Registration Discounts for Resource Limited Nations

CGC offers reduced registration rates for CGC attendees who live or work in resource-limited countries. The structure is based on the World Bank Resource-Limited Country categories. Prices are automatically calculated in your purchase when using the listed Discount Code at registration.

  • CGC Members living and working in Category 2 Nations, defined as World Bank upper-middle income economies, pay 50% of the registration rate.
  • CGC Members living and working in Category 3 Nations, defined as World Bank lower-middle income economies, pay 25% of the registration rate.
  • CGC Members living and working in Category 4 Nations, defined as World Bank low-income economies, pay 10% of the registration rate.

Beginning March 13, 2024
Register Using the Discount Codes Shown in Yellow Below
if You Live or Work in a Resource Limited Country


CGC Members

Discounts for CGC Members

from Limited-Resource Countries

Category 2

50% Discount
on CGC Member

Registration Fees:
(In-Person or Virtual)

Category 3

75% Discount
on CGC Member

Registration Fees:
(In-Person or Virtual)

Category 4

90% Discount
on CGC Member

Registration Fees:
(In-Person or Virtual)

 CGC Member Registration
  Fee Type:

Use Discount Code:


Use Discount Code:


Use Discount Code:


 Trainee Registration $   150.00 $ 75.00 $ 30.00
 Associate/Emeritus Registration $   200.00 $ 100.00 $ 40.00
 Doctoral / Affiliate EARLY Registration:
 By May 21, 2024
 $ 250.00 $ 125.00$ 50.00
 Doctoral / Affiliate REGULAR Registration:
 May 22 - July 15, 2024
 $ 275.00 $ 137.50$ 55.00
 Doctoral / Affiliate LATE Registration:
 After July 15, 2024
 $ 300.00 $ 150.00 $ 60.00
 Other Fees:

 Bioinformatics and Leadership   Workshop Fees  $   25.00 $   13.00 $ 5.00



Non - Members

Discounts for Non-Members

from Limited-Resource Nations

Category 2

50% Discount
on Non-Member

Registration Fees:
(In-Person or Virtual)

Category 3

75% Discount
Registration Fees:
(In-Person or Virtual)

Category 4

90% Discount
on Non-Member

Registration Fees:
(In-Person or Virtual)

 Non-Member Registration Fee Type:

Use Discount Code:


Use Discount Code:


Use Discount Code:


 Trainee Registration $   200.00 $ 100.00 $ 40.00
 Associate/Emeritus Registration $   272.50 $ 136.25 $ 54.50
 Doctoral / Affiliate EARLY Registration:
 By May 21, 2024
 $ 337.50 $ 168.75 $ 67.50
 Doctoral / Affiliate REGULAR Registration:
 May 22 - July 15, 2024
 $ 362.50 $ 181.25 $ 72.50
 Doctoral / Affiliate LATE Registration:
 After July 15, 2024
 $ 387.50 $ 193.75 $ 77.50
 Other Fees:

 Bioinformatics and Leadership   Workshop Fees $   25.00 $   13.00 $ 5.00